Sunday, August 5, 2012

Know me

My PhD research was on the Mortuary Practices in the Central Ganga Valley where I tried to evaluate from an anthropological/archaeological perspective. My main focus was on social differentiation, cultural change and demography. I have tried to see the mortuary rituals in living social context where I have utilized the richness of symbolic material available to the anthropologist to put “flesh on the bones” of mortuary customs to draw an ethnographic parallel about much of the activity surrounding death rituals which have left no physical evidence at all.
As a student of Social Anthropology, I have conducted research involving primary means (field work) and secondary means (literature review) and am well equipped with the various techniques and practices that Social Sciences require for a comprehensive empirical study. Besides my academic leanings towards the myriad possibilities Social Anthropology as a discipline has to offer, I have an avid interest in the world of computers. I am fully comfortable and integrated with both hardware and software and with no formal training in it, I took it as a personal challenge to understand it to the core. Today my life includes a virtual cyber arena where the usability, working and distribution of various softwares and the understanding of the handling of hardwares give me a sense of creative satisfaction.

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