Sunday, August 5, 2012

Record of Rights

Section 101 to 120 in the chapters X and XI of BT act 1885 lays down the provision of survey and settlement. The operation of occupancy right provisions and use of fair and equitable rent provisions need a record of right to be prepared. The details of the process for this is given in rules under BTA, Bihar Survey & Settlement Manual and technical rules of the settlement department. The principal object of he survey and settlement is to prepare upto date village-wise survey map and khatian. Survey is under jurisdiction of the revenue and land dept. following are the main components of record of right:-
i)    Village map  :- this is prepared on the scale of 32 inches=1 mile or 64 inches=1 mile. In this the maps of village boundaries and plots are prepared.
ii) Khatian ::_ this is also prepared village-wise. The main details in this are khata no., name of the khatadhari raiyat and their addresses, khesra under khata, chauhaddi, type and rakba, rate of rent. For this khasra register is prepared a/w sikmi khatian.  Following are the main stages in thepreparation of records of rights:-
  1.  Notification :- u/s 101 state govt. issues notification generally for  a district area. After this an army of non-gazetted staff are recruited under the settlement officer. They are kanungo, surveyor, chainman, amen, etc headed by  an Asstt SO. The survey camp is divided into various halkas.
  2. Kishtwar :- it can be understood ;as new map of the village. For this, first the village boundary is decided and points of mushtkil; are estd on the same. Joining the mushtkil, murabba is drawn. After the preparation of murabba, the new field map called kishtwar comes into existence. The word kisht or the installment is for the block prepared.
  3. Khanapuri :- it is the preliminary preparation of the record of rights. In this stage the blocks or khanas in the map are filled with plot nos. the filling of the khanas gives it the name khanapuri. Following other things are added to the map in this stage- khesra, parcha, khatian, teriz (brief index of khatian), kursinama of raiyat.
  4. Tanza :- it is the objection filed on any land where there are two or more ;claimants. In this stage the disputes are solved and “a not final” map is prepared.
  5. Tasdeeq :- it means the attestation of the record of rights. It is done in the village itself in the camp. The stages in this are distribution of parcha, bujharat (correcting the entries of objections after local enquiries) and final tasdeeq (attesting the name of khatadhari, area of khesra, rent, cess).
  6. Publication  of Draft records :- after checking and verifying the record of rights, the attesting officer u/s 61 of BTA makes entries into the prescribed forms and puts signature over the map. This completes the preparation of draft records. In this stage an object camp is organized by ASO where objections are disposed of summarily.
  7. Final Publication of record of Rights : When all objections are disposed U/s 103-A the revenue officer finally frames the record and cause it to be finally published in prescribed manner. He then submits the report to state government with necessary particulars to enable state government U/S 103-B to issue a notification declaring that a record Of right has been finally published for every village.

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