Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Role Of Treasury Officer

TO is the Representative of Collector in treasury. On behalf of the Collector, he supervises the daily functioning of the treasury and compliance of the rules and regulations. He keeps vigil on the working of subordinates. He'll be responsible for the supervision of balances of cash, stamps and advances, etc. He will be also responsible for compliance of all directives of AG/Govt./Collector, etc.
Treasury Officer regulates and authorizes Government Employees and pensions of difference types like Service pension, Political pension, disability pensions etc. He also maintains the accounts of receipts of government revenue and income from other sources. He also compiles the accounts of government receipts & payments and forwards them to AG for further classification and accounting. AG, in turn prepares the State accounts to match them with grants allocated by the state budget passed by legislature.
The Treasury officer is responsible to the Collector primarily for the proper discharge of his duties for thorough observance of all rules prescribed for his guidance in every branch of his duties and for strict attenuation to all details of the daily routine of the treasury work.
The special precautions to be observed by the Treasury Officer in matters relating to receipts, custody and payment of Government moneys are specified in other relevant parts of the rules.
Apart from Government receipt and payment the Treasury Office is also the nodal point of Stamps storage and sales. It has a strong-room for safe custody of stamp papers of difference types such as Non-judicial stamps, Court fees stamps, share transfer stamps etc.
In short making government payments, accepting government receipt, pension disbursement, sale of stamp papers and compilation of accounts of the above mentioned activities are the main functions of the District Treasury.
A Treasury officer may permit withdrawal for all or any of the following purposes, namely:-
(i)    To pay sums due from the Government to the drawing officer;
(ii)    To provide the drawing officer with funds to meet claims likely to be presented against the Government in the immediate future by other Government servant or by private parties;
(iii)    To enable the drawing officer to supply funds to another Government officer from which to meet similar claims;
(iv)    To pay direct from the Treasury or from the Bank sums due by the Government to a Private party;
(v)    In the case of a Government officer or authority empowered to make investments of moneys, standing in the Government Account, for the purpose of such investments;
(vi)    To pay sums to the drawing officer on account of permanent advance sectioned to his office;
(vii)    To pay sums on account of loans and advances;
(viii)    To pay sums on account of grants –in-aid, contributions, scholarships, stipends, etc.

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